How to protect your mental health during the coronavirus pandemic?

Softray Solutions
2 min readMar 26, 2020


Written by Merlina Ramani — Muhovic, HR Manager at Softray Solutions

Pandemic of the coronavirus has a great impact on mental health. That is the main reason people may act reckless, focus only on tragic outcomes and panic. Here are a couple of tips to help you cope better with this, hopefully soon to be over, world crisis:

  • First of all, acknowledge your fear — it’s natural to feel scared of the unknown, of the helplessness, even death, to fear for the existence and consequences of this situation. It helps if you talk to someone: a friend, family member or a therapist. Fear, as an emotion, can be good, because it keeps us alert and makes us follow the WHO instructions: better hygiene, social distancing, and self-protection.
  • Limit the information you get — trust only facts, find one medium and follow their news. Try to avoid thoughts about what should’ve or could’ve been, if this happens, and so on… Focus on the present and the facts. Also, focus on the positive news regarding this virus and recovered patients, not only the tragic ones.
  • Avoid panic thoughts — it pushes us away from our rational selves and could block us from thinking straight. If this comes hard on you, contact your local team for psychological support.
  • Maintain your routine as much as possible — organize your day as normal as it could get.
  • Exercise, eat healthy, stay hydrated.
  • Rest, sleep well, build your immune system — working from home is a great opportunity to use that juice maker or blender and all of the gadgets for making tasty and healthy immune system boosters.
  • Even in social distancing, you can and should remain in contact with family and friends — use online platforms of your choice and stay connected, find the person you trust and talk about your emotions, fears, share positive stories, cured patients, China’s recovery, etc.
  • Don’t forget to talk about other things than coronavirus, you still have awesome stories to tell.

Everything you’re feeling right now is normal reaction to not so normal life events.

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